ACBAD-CEO / October 1, 2024
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Corporate Website Theme – From Figma to Fully Customizable WordPress Theme

This project showcases my expertise in developing a complete corporate website theme, starting with a Figma design and progressing through the creation of a fully functional and customizable WordPress theme. The goal was to build a professional, user-friendly website that businesses can easily manage and customize according to their brand needs.

Figma Design to HTML/CSS/SASS Template

The process began with a sleek, modern corporate design created in Figma. I translated the design into a responsive HTML/CSS template using SASS for maintainable and scalable styling. The template was built with a focus on ensuring fast load times and smooth functionality across devices. Source code

Full WordPress Integration

I developed a custom WordPress theme from the HTML template, incorporating dynamic functionality that allows for full content management. Users can easily add, modify, or delete content via the WordPress dashboard without needing any coding knowledge. Source code

Customization Options

This theme offers multiple customization options for users to modify the look and feel of their website.

Source Code: The source code for this project is available on GitHub, written with clean and well-documented code to ensure easy collaboration and scalability.

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